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99 WARC Dialogue

PCTII Newsletter #13

Summer 1999


The 8th Annual Conference on the Holy Spirit was hosted by the International Theological Institute (ITI) of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea on May 24. Paper presenters included Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr. and Dr. Harold D. Hunter. Dr. Young Hoon Lee announced that Professor Jurgen Moltmann is expected to participate in 2000. Papers from the annual conferences are published each year by ITI.

Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox leaders in Chile have signed an historic agreement recognizing baptisms performed in each other’s churches. Each church will honor all water baptisms "celebrated as a sacrament" in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Latin American and Caribbean News Service said.
...Baptism is an unbreakable tie that unites Jesus Christ to all Christians in all times and places, a document signed by the leaders says. It recommends that a common format for baptism be established. This is "a step along the way toward the visible unity of the single Body of Christ, so that the world can believe," the document says.
...Ten theologians from the churches worked for two years to create the document. Signers include Catholic Archbishop of Santiago Francisco Javier Errazuriz; Sergio Abad, Metropolitan Archbishop of the Orthodox Church; Martin Junge of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; and Bishops Neftali Aravena of the Methodist Church and Jose Flores of the Communion of Brothers Church.
...It also was signed by pastor Narciso Sepulveda of the Pentecostal Mission Church, Bishop Carlos Navarrete of the Church of the Evangelical Reform, Bishop Roberto Garrido of the Evangelical Wesleyan Corporation, Bishop Sinforiano Gutierrez of the Free Pentecostals Church, pastor Juana Albornoz of the Universal Apostolic Mission Church, and Sister Blanca Vitalia Cancino of the Evangelical Corporation of Sendas Antiguas.

1999 WARC-Pentecostal Dialogue press release issued May 18.

On May 5, Bishop James Leggett, General Superintendent of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church,   issued the following statement to the IPHC RDC in Oklahoma City: "As you know by now, numbers of church members on the south side of the city have been hit. Some of them have lost everything. I saw one of our members being interviewed on T. V. last night. She is the pianist at one of our churches. They came back to their home after the storm to find it was no longer there. A reporter for New York Times was also interviewing her and her husband." It was later reported that 30 homes belonging to IPHC members were completely destroyed and one IPHC family perished in the tornado that reached a record 318 miles an hour. The national media have not said much about Feed the Children, but they have been in the lead from the beginning. Larry Jones sent several trucks around Oklahoma City, especially television stations, to get needed items for the disaster victims. He was one of the first to get the message out Monday night that they would get help those affected by the disaster. The IPHC headquarters suffered no damage and IPHC's Diaster Relief USA is raising money now to assist those in need.

Servico de Información Pentecostal has a new web. SIPALC (SERVICIO DE INFORMACION PENTECOSTAL DE AMERICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE), Instituto Peruano de Estudios de la Religion (IPER), Jr. Van Gent 135, Urb. El Pacifico, Mza. U, II Etapa, SMP, Lima 31 - PERU, Telefono: (511) 5312288 - Faxá (511) 4253977 *á E-mail:á sipalc@usa.net , Director:á Bernardo L. Campos:áá bcampos_@hotmail.com

Dr. Michael Wilkinson, Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Canadian Nazarene College, completed his dissertation on "Global Migration and Transformation Among Canadian Pentecostals" at the University of Ottawa.

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Check out the new Journal of Asian Missions edited by Dr. Wonsuk Ma.

LAMBETH CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS: Anglicans and Pentecostal, New Churches and Independent Christian Groups

The home page for the WCC Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Program currently carries an unflattering story of a "charismatic" group.

The American Society of Church History will hold its Spring meeting from April 22-24 in San Diego, California at Point Loma University. A session on "Latino Christianity: Church, Community and Popular Culture" will feature two presentations on Pentecostal-Charismatic groups: "Flor y Canto Latino: Hymnody in U.S. Latino Christianity" by Dan Ramirez, Duke University, and "Slipping into Darkness: Victory Outreach, the Vineyard and the Creation of a Latino Evangelical Youth Culture" by Arlene Sanchez Walsh, Claremont Graduate University. This session will convene April 24 at 12:30-1:40 in the Solomon Theater.

The first annual meeting of the Asian Pentecostal Society will converge with the second meeting of the Korean Pentecostal Society. The meeting will convene May 21 at the Gospel Theological Seminary, Daejon City, Korea. Paper presenters include Dr. Wonsuk Ma, Dr. Miguel Alvarez, Dr. David Daniels, and Dr. Jean-Daniel Pluss in addition to three presenters from the Korean Pentecostal Society.

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Look for the following publications by David Maxwell: Christians and Chiefs in Zimbabwe: A Social History of the Hwesa People, 1870s-1990s (Edinburgh University Press, 1998); "'Delivered from the Spirit of Poverty?': Pentecostalism, Prosperity and Modernity in Zimbabwe," Journal of Religion in Africa XXVIII, 3 (1998) 350-373; "The Spirit and the Scapular: Pentecostal and Catholic Interactions in Northern Nyanga District, Zimbabwe in the 1950s and early 1960s," Journal of Southern African Studies 23, 2 (June 1997) 283-300; "Local Politics and the War of Liberation in North-east Zimbabwe," Journal of Southern African Studies 19, 3 (September 1993) 361-386; Review Article, "New Perspectives on the History of African Christianity," Journal of Southern African Studies 23, 1 (March 1997) 141-148.

To learn more about the original Azusa St. Mission in Los Angeles, visit the Pentecostal Heritage, Inc. web. Below are scenes from the February 10 and 13 ribbon cuttings. Additional information may be found in the AG-News: Tuesday, February 16, 1999, No. 253 which is available here.

Azusa Ribbon Cutting.gif (271674 bytes)     Azusa Plaque.gif (242951 bytes)

Note a helpful site on African Initiated Churches

The University of California Press gives us Language, Charisma and Creativity: The Ritual Life of a Religious Movement by Thomas Csordas.

Some information regarding the March 11-13 SPS conference at Evangel University is available in an online registration form for a March 11 seminar devoted to pentecostal and charismatic archivists that will be hosted by the Assemblies of God Archives in Springfield, MO.

A revised report is available on the Pentecostal presence at the 8th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches which convened December 3-14 in Harare, Zimbabwe.


Take note of Black Theology in Britain: A Journal of Contextual Praxis published by Sheffield Academic Press.


Lima. Dic. 15. Un nuevo Servicio de informacion religiosa, denominado Servicio de Informacion Pentecostal de America Latina y El caribe (SIPALC), acaba de ser lanzado via internet por el Instituto Peruano de Estudios de la Religion, IPER, en Lima, Peru.  El servicio informativo, dirigido por el teologo Bernardo Campos, sale ocasionalmente y esta dedicado a la difusion de noticias sobre la religion pentecostal asentada en Sudamerica y America Central. El primer numero, aparecido el 13.12.98 anuncia la reciente creacion en Mexico, D.F.,de la "Asociacion de Teologos e Investigadores del Pentecostalismo", tras la conformacion de un petit comite que reune a representantes de varios paises de America Latina. SIPALC puede ser recibido gratuitamente enviando una direccion electronica a:  SIPALC@usa.net    Fin del Despacho [ 002. Lima 15 de Diciembre de 1998]

Check out the new Revista Latinoamerican de Teologia Pentecostal sponsored by the Instituto Peruano de Estudios de la Religion. Articles are available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. For more information, contact Bernardo Campos.